22 Jul 2024

Packaging PR: How the industry can build consumer trust

In today's marketplace, where consumers are more informed and discerning than ever, building trust has become paramount for any industry. The packaging sector is no exception. Effective packaging not only…

17 Jul 2024

Navigating packaging prices: 2024 outlook

The packaging industry is a dynamic and essential sector, continuously evolving to meet the demands of consumers and businesses alike. Understanding the price trends in packaging is crucial for stakeholders,…

15 Jul 2024

Profitability through value-adding packaging strategies

Packaging plays a crucial role in the success of a product. It’s not just about protecting the contents; effective packaging can significantly boost profitability by adding value to the product.…

10 Jul 2024

Retail perspectives on packaging: A strategic asset

Packaging has evolved from a mere protective covering to a strategic asset in retail. Its importance is increasingly recognised as it plays a pivotal role in consumer decision-making, brand perception,…

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