New research from Amcor, a leading packaging solutions company, has revealed the significant influence of packaging on European coffee consumers’ purchasing decisions.

The study, conducted on more than 1,600 shoppers across five major European markets, highlighted the importance of prioritising convenience, sustainability, and brand trust when it comes to coffee packaging.

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While factors such as taste, aroma, brand reputation, and price remain top considerations, Amcor’s research finds that packaging plays a crucial role in the final purchasing decision. 

A significant 70% of respondents admitted to choosing coffee based solely on its packaging appeal at least occasionally.

This influence is particularly strong among younger demographics, with nearly half (46%) of 18-34-year-olds prioritising social and environmental factors reflected in the packaging.

For European coffee drinkers, convenience reigns supreme.

More than half (50%) of respondents ranked easy-to-use packaging as a key factor, and 33% would not repurchase a coffee brand if its packaging was difficult to open or reclose.

‘Easy to open and reclose’ features were the second-most desired functionality, following ‘preserves coffee aroma.’ 

It was found that clear on-pack messaging and graphics highlighting these functionalities can significantly impact brand loyalty.

The study also revealed a growing focus on sustainability in coffee packaging.

Nearly half (44%) of European consumers say that sustainable packaging choices positively influence their repurchase decisions.

This trend is even stronger among younger consumers, with 46% of 18-34 year-olds prioritising environmental and social responsibility.

Notably, 20% of consumers would avoid brands perceived as unsustainable, and 35% would be deterred by excessive packaging.

Consumers overwhelmingly favour packaging with clear sustainability claims.

‘Less plastic’ and ‘recyclable’ were the most sought-after claims, with 73% of UK respondents prioritising recyclability.

“Amcor’s new research offers valuable insights into consumer priorities and purchasing behaviours for coffee brands,” said Giorgio Dini, coffee marketing manager at Amcor.

“This understanding enables brands to invest in packaging solutions that directly align with consumer preferences for sustainability and functionality.”

Amcor offers solutions such as the AmPrima Plus Recycle-Ready range, which delivers the performance of traditional packaging while significantly reducing carbon footprint.

This research underscores the strategic importance of packaging for coffee brands in Europe.

By focusing on convenience, sustainability, and clear communication of these features, brands can build trust and loyalty with their customers.