Chemical company LyondellBasell (LYB) has collaborated with CORADIN, a packaging manufacturer, and Dermalogica, a skincare brand, to develop a sustainable solution for the GREENIS Dispenser.

The key to this success lies in LYB’s CirculenRecover technology.

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This innovative process utilises mechanically recycled plastic waste to create high-quality polypropylene (PP) plastic.

This recycled PP was then used in the GREENIS Dispenser, achieving a balance between functionality, aesthetics, and a significant amount of recycled content – more than 75%.

This achievement was not lost on the industry.

The dispenser received numerous awards, including the World Star Winner 2024 Award in the Health & Personal Care category.

Recognition came for the dispenser’s recyclability, focus on sustainability, ergonomic design, and contribution to waste reduction.

“The GREENIS Dispenser shows how recycled material can replace conventional fossil-based feedstock, improving circularity and environmental performance for the packaging industry,” said Paula Sanabria, senior director of Marketing & Commercial Development and Circular and Low Carbon Solutions at LYB.

“We are happy to contribute to new recycled products that support a lower greenhouse gas footprint while helping improve consumer experience with product ergonomics, functionality, aesthetics, and lighter weight.”

This collaboration exemplifies the power of teamwork within the industry.

By working together, LYB, CORADIN, and Dermalogica were able to create a high-quality, sustainable, user-friendly, and e-commerce-friendly product that also reduces reliance on fossil fuels.

“The GREENIS Dispenser development project is the result of strong collaboration between the Californian brand Dermalogica that has a firm commitment towards sustainable packaging solutions, and UNILEVER Prestige brands,” said Florence Bidamant, associate general manager and chief communications and marketing officer at CORADIN.

“LYB has been very supportive to find the best recycled material that allowed winning all the technical challenges around the innovative package.”

“As leaders in the professional skincare industry, we need to create intuitive, premium packaging solutions that don’t compromise the health of our planet,” added Aurelian Lis, CEO of Dermalogica.