
Manufacturers of spare vehicle parts, electronic components, consumer electronics, chemicals, luxury goods, clothing, and cosmetics depend on tesa scribos for safeguarding their brands and products.

Brand protection and security technology

tesa scribos® is a subsidiary of tesa SE and offers brand protection strategy advice as well as a range of security and application technologies. These include tesa Holospot®, tesa VeoMark® and tesa® CodeSeal for counterfeit, diversion and warranty fraud protection, and traceability. There is also the tesa® SecuritySeal range for theft prevention and customised security technology solutions that can be tailored to a client’s product protection needs.

Counterfeit protection and product tracing

The tesa Holospot is a counterfeit-proof label as unique as a fingerprint. On just a few square millimetres, the tesa Holospot offers brand owners multiple overt and covert security levels for maximum counterfeit protection and traceability with the possibility to identify every single product individually. Bar codes, matrix codes, RFID codes and human readable codes can be linked with tesa Holospot labels and can be used for track and trace and online customer interaction.

Counterfeit protection labels for brand products

The latest development in the portfolio is tesa VeoMark, a clearly identifiable security solution that deters forgers and at the same time strengthens consumer confidence. The unique labels for each item provide adequate protection against forgery and are highly cost-efficient. With tesa VeoMark imaging technology, every label is marked individually. Besides the high-resolution, custom-tailored design, open and hidden security features with item-specific coding are integrated in the label on four visible and hidden levels. This connects the coding inseparably with the label – making it absolutely unique.

tesa Holospot on a carton.
tesa SecuritySeal label.
tesa VeoMark.

Simple brand protection for mass markets

The tesa CodeSeal security label is especially designed for mass markets. Conventional security labels reveal unauthorised pack openings on a product’s journey through the logistics chain but they were generally unable to prove a product’s authenticity and origin. With tesa CodeSeal, tesa scribos is going one step further by integrating security codes unique to the item efficiently in a physical piece of evidence. It also gives end consumers the opportunity to check the authenticity and origin of products directly, for example, by making an internet search or via SMS.

Efficient supply chain protection

tesa®trust & trace turns the spotlight on the supply chain. The special security concept combines a physically secure product coding, for example, tesa Holospot, tesa VeoMark and tesa CodeSeal – featuring the very latest track and trace systems. It enables easy integration of goods tracking systems based on barcodes, 2D matrix codes and RFID technology into brand protection.

Preventing theft with special tapes, labels and seals

The security concepts from tesa scribos also help put a stop to thefts of goods in the logistics chain. The range includes special tapes, labels and seals that sound the alarm at first sight if manipulation has been attempted or unauthorised opening. If the tape or label has been removed or damaged, a security effect like ‘opened’ appears. Even if it is stuck down or closed again, the security note remains visible.

The latest development is tesa® StretchSeal. Recent winner of the German Packing Prize and WorldStar Award, the seal destroys itself irreversibly if broken and can be removed without a trace. This means it is immediately evident at every stop of the transport route if a delivery has been opened without permission.

Contact Details:

tesa scribos GmbH

Quickbornstrasse 24

20253 Hamburg



Tel: +49 40 4909 6330

Fax: +49 40 4909 2670