PT ABC President is a joint venture between two leading food and beverage companies, PT ABC Central Food Indonesia and Uni President Enterprise Corp. of Taiwan.
ABC President started the production of ready-to-drink tea in 2005, using a hot fill PCO 1810 closure system. In 2010 the company changed to PCO 1881 and invested in a new aseptic line from Sidel with Arol cappers to produce and extend their range of the ‘Nu’ tea beverage.
The ‘Nu’ bottles are closed by BERICAP’s DS SUS 28/16 7085 SFB CSD3 closures, which are produced under BERICAP licence in Indonesia on a 96- cavity mould with an annual capacity of about 500 million caps.
The annual closure requirement of PT ABC President is about 250 million caps.
The DS SUS 28/16 7085 SFB CSD3 is a 1-pc DoubleSeal SuperShorty screw closure with a 120-knurl design and is fitted with an inner and outer sealing lip that provides a superior tight seal for 28mm PET one-way bottles with PCO 1881 neck.
The slit flex band provides reliable tamper evidence, assuring the integrity of the product, and breaks reliably after first opening.
The closure is suitable for aseptic, cold and hot filling technology.