
On 25 July, Mondi Industrial Bags successfully re-launched its unique online shop for industrial bags. The shop was originally started in 2002 and is highly popular among customers. The new version of ebags features a new and improved layout, a state-of-the-art-system and is ready for new features in the years to come.

Mondi’s recent upgrade of its ebags platform makes the industrial bag procurement process even faster and easier for customers. Enhanced features and key benefits include:

  • 24/7 ordering of pre-defined bags, using streamlined procurement processes
  • Access to comprehensive product specifications, including print layouts
  • Checking of current and completed orders, including reports, statistics, etc.
  • Easily accessible and user-friendly

How does it work?

Mondi Industrial Bags customers, who decide to support their ordering process to ebags, can contact their sales representative and will receive a personalised user account. This account then includes all their specifications and designs previously defined with Mondi’s sales and customer service. Customers can then start ordering their bags 24/7 – their bags are just a click away.

State-of-the art system

Along with the new intuitive layout ebags is easy to use and customers will be able to order their bags quickly and simply. ebags can even be linked to their internal ordering system to fully streamline the ordering process. The state-of-the-art system was implemented to be ready for the e-developments of the coming years and ebags will have even more to offer in the future. For the security of its users, Mondi ensures safe handling of all ebags orders and the online shop carries the Austrian e-commerce quality label.

Please contact Mondi for more information.