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Testing and Certification for Child-Resistant Packaging

As a packaging and market research institute, we have been working towards better standards of child safety since 1975. During this time, the scope of our client base has broadened and, as a result, so too has the scope of our testing and certification capabilities.

Institut VerpackungsMarktforschung GmbH,
Friedrich-Seele-Str. 20,
38122 Braunschweig,
Fax Number

As a packaging and market research institute, we have been working towards better standards of child safety since 1975. During this time, the scope of our client base has broadened and, as a result, so too has the scope of our testing and certification capabilities.

Today, ivm-childsafe is one of the few institutes in Europe accredited (ISO 17025) as a testing laboratory for child-resistant packaging. Furthermore, we are the only accredited certification body for child-resistant packaging in Europe (EN 45011). We are recognised for our high standards by both consumers and governing bodies from within the industry, as an institute that can issue product certification in conjunction with the testing conducted. We are also proud to be recognised by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

As a result of our successes with regards to testing and certification of child resistance, we also undertake this activity for child-resistant lighters. This is mandatory within the European Union (EU) as per Decision 2014/61/EU and also in the US as per US 16 CFR 1210.

Packaging testing and certification

We carry out testing and product certification in accordance with the following standards:

Accidental poisoning is the third-leading cause of unintentional injury-related death in Europe.
Child-resistant packaging has been developed in order to prevent children from getting into a product that contains poisonous substances.
For hazardous products, national and international regulations and packaging standards have been designed.
ivm-childsafe offers testing and product certification services for child-resistant packaging.
Acceptance and preference testing (CEN/TS 15945) helps to develop suitable packaging for end users.
  • ISO 8317 (2003)
  • EN 862 (2005)
  • EN 14375 (2003)
  • EN 13869 (2011)
  • US 16 CFR § 1700.20 (PPPA)
  • US 16 CFR § 1210
  • AS 1928-2007
  • AS 5014-2010
  • AS 5808-2009
  • CAN/CSA-Z76.1-06 (R2011)
  • CAN/CSA-Z76.2-00 (R2010)
  • AS/NZS 4867.2:2002
  • DIN 15945 (2011-06) (ease of opening of packaging)
  • All corresponding national provisions of European countries

Moreover, this acceptance and preference testing helps to develop packaging that is suitable and appeals to end users. As time, financial and environmental factors are critical to manufacturers and suppliers, it is important to carry out these tests before production begins, thus preventing wastage of machinery, time and money.

ivm currently works with a number of the world’s leading pharmaceutical and chemical production and packaging companies. We deliver professional support, from R&D through to final production stages and after-care.

With more than 35 years of child-resistant packaging experience, we are able to offer specialist knowledge and consulting services. Many years of success and our customers’ loyalty confirm that our professional work meets the expectations and requirements of our customers and society as a whole.

Child-resistant packaging

Every year, toddlers and young children are hospitalised or die through the ingestion of pharmaceutical and chemical products and substances. As packaging is the last defence against this, it must be designed as well as possible. Accidental poisoning is the third-leading cause of unintentional injury-related death in the European region and is responsible for approximately 3,000 deaths per year.

Child-resistant packaging has been developed in order to prevent children from coming into contact with the contents of a bottle, for example, that contains poisonous substances. There will never be 100% safety, as adults should still be able to open the packages easily and quickly. However, it should be noted that child resistance is not in existence to relieve a parent or care-giver from their responsibility for small children, but as an aid or last defence. As a result, national and international regulations and standards have been created and are enforceable. Manufacturers, suppliers and fillers use the certification to prove compliance of the packaging to the relevant authorities and among themselves.

Easy opening of consumer packages

People living in industrialised nations are becoming older and older. At the same time, they stay active in old age. They master their daily lives, enjoy culture, sports, travel and many other activities. Nevertheless, with increasing age comes deterioration of vision, dexterity and strength. These are factors that make it vital for companies and packaging manufacturers to tackle the issue of senior-friendly packaging head on.

But what properties distinguish senior-friendly and consumer-friendly packaging apart from other packaging? The CEN/TS 15945 (ease of opening of packaging criteria and test methods for evaluating consumer packaging) is the first standardised method that simultaneously assesses the ease of opening and consumer acceptance of packaging. For marketing and packaging development, this is a valuable tool when considering the relationship between the packaging and the consumer.

For the market success of a product, the packaging plays an important role as it directly affects consumer satisfaction. But how is this to be achieved in individual cases? Again, CEN/TS 15945:2011 is a suitable instrument. During packaging development, it is possible to monitor consumer acceptance through targeted panel testing. This way, mistakes can be avoided and improvements discovered.

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Institut VerpackungsMarktforschung GmbH
Friedrich-Seele-Str. 20
38122 Braunschweig

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