Water-soluble packaging, also known as water-soluble films or biodegradable packaging, refers to packaging materials that dissolve or disintegrate in water.

These films are typically made from biodegradable polymers or other natural materials, and they are designed to break down into harmless components when exposed to water or moisture.

With its ability to dissolve or disintegrate in water, this innovative packaging solution is set to significantly reduce plastic waste and pollution.

From single-use detergent packets that effortlessly dissolve in the washing machine to controlled-release fertilisers and even food packaging that eliminates the need for unwrapping, water-soluble packaging presents a transformative shift in how products are packaged, used and disposed of.

This sustainable and versatile packaging solution has the potential to reshape the industry and pave the way for a more eco-friendly future.

Water-soluble packaging will revolutionise the industry from 2023 to 2033

The water-soluble packaging industry is predicted to have a substantial impact on the packaging sector as a whole between 2023 and 2033, according to a report by Future Market Insights Global and Consulting.

The market is projected to reach $3.22bn in 2023 and grow to $4.79bn by 2033, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4%.

Growing demand for eco-friendly packaging solutions

Water-soluble packaging is gaining popularity as a sustainable packaging solution across various sectors including food, healthcare, agriculture and consumer products.

With increasing consumer awareness of environmental issues and government regulations on plastic waste, many industries are likely to adopt water-soluble packaging as a standard option.

The usage of biodegradable and compostable materials in water-soluble packaging is expected to see significant growth as customer demand for eco-friendly packaging solutions rises.

Challenges and trends in the market

While water-soluble packaging offers numerous benefits, it also faces certain challenges. These include a lack of awareness, high production costs, limited availability of materials and machinery, as well as concerns over durability, compatibility and waste management.

Despite these challenges, the market is witnessing several trends. New materials such as polysaccharides and proteins are being developed, and there is increasing adoption of water-soluble packaging in the agriculture and cosmetics industries.

Major brands like Nestlé, PepsiCo and Coca-Cola are exploring its use to reduce their environmental impact. Additionally, start-ups are offering innovative and sustainable solutions in this space.

Categorical analysis

North America and Europe

The pharmaceutical and healthcare industries also contribute to the growth of the water-soluble packaging market in North America.

North America, particularly the US and Canada, boasts a thriving food and beverage industry that extensively uses water-soluble packaging. Rising environmental concerns and legislation in this region are driving the demand for sustainable packaging alternatives.

Europe is a significant player in the global water-soluble packaging business, accounting for more than 30% of the market share. The region places a high value on sustainability and environmental preservation, leading to increased demand for eco-friendly packaging solutions.

Germany, France and the UK are key markets for water-soluble packaging in Europe, with the food and beverage sectors being the primary end users, followed by agrochemicals and pharmaceuticals.


The Asia-Pacific region holds a considerable market share in the water-soluble packaging industry, with significant growth expected in the forecast period.

Rising demand for eco-friendly packaging solutions and the adoption of stringent legislation aimed at reducing plastic waste are driving the market in this region.

Segment analysis

The polymer segment is a key component of water-soluble packaging, utilising polymers that dissolve in water, offering a sustainable alternative to traditional packaging materials.

Commonly used water-soluble polymers include PVA, PEO and starch-based polymers.

Leading brands and competitive landscape

The food and beverage industry is a major adopter of water-soluble packaging due to its ability to improve sustainability and reduce plastic waste.

In terms of competition, market players focus on innovation, sustainability, cost-effectiveness and regulatory compliance. They are expanding their product offerings, developing new materials and technologies, and collaborating with other companies and institutions to stay ahead in the water-soluble packaging market.