Packaging leader Berry Global has announced the expansion of its Magic Slim (SL) Light airless dispensing system production to its Libertyville, Illinois, facility.

This move aims to meet the growing demand for sustainable and innovative beauty and personal care packaging solutions within North America.

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The locally produced Magic SL Light product offers several benefits for Berry’s beauty and personal care customers in the region.

Firstly, it prioritises sustainability. Made with a plastic spring and an all-polyolefin construction, the entire package is fully recyclable.

Its lightweight design, 26% lighter than metal alternatives, also reduces the carbon footprint associated with transportation.

Additionally, local production translates to shorter lead times and lower minimum order quantities, minimising warehouse storage needs.

This product aligns with Berry’s B Circular Range, which leverages design expertise to create packaging solutions with minimal environmental impact.

Beyond its eco-friendly aspects, Magic SL Light boasts several consumer-centric advantages.

Available in 30ml and 50ml sizes with a sleek diameter, it enhances the premium feel of the product.

The 0.4ml dosage option, meanwhile, is ideal for skincare applications, and the gentle actuation force provides comfortable and controlled dispensing.

Other key benefits include:

  • Protection from oxygen, ensuring product efficacy and longer shelf life.
  • Smooth, consistent dispensing even with thick formulas.
  • Self-priming system that eliminates air pockets, a common frustration with airless dispensers.
  • More than 95% product evacuation, minimising waste and maximising value for consumers.

Berry’s commitment to customer support extends beyond the product itself.

The company’s Creative Services team assists with artwork creation and decoration while its Technical Services team offers product functionality and compatibility testing.

This expansion underscores Berry Global’s dedication to providing innovative and sustainable packaging solutions that cater to the evolving needs of the beauty and personal care industry in the US.