Burgess dog food, Crufts

Ultimate Digital printed a brand new range of dog foods for Burgess Pet Care in time to launch at the biggest dog show of the year Crufts.

Matt Hawkins brand manager challenged Ultimate Digital to produce 500 quad bags of seven different varieties of premium dog food.

Final artwork was received leaving less than two weeks to produce all seven designs which are reverse printed on an HP Indigo 20000 digital press, laminated and converted into a premium quad bag.

Matt Hawkins had nothing but praise for Ultimate Digital. He said: "I would like to thank and congratulate the team at Ultimate Digital for pulling out all the stops for us to get this high profile range launched at our biggest event of the year.

"The quality of the final product is fantastic. We are now seriously considering producing a further run of the range using digital print so that our product is immediately available for purchase from our website after Crufts.

"Delivery of packaging from our normal supplier takes many weeks so to avoid disappointment to our customers digital print is our best option to bring this new product to market. Ultimate Digital have agreed to produce a further run of packaging very quickly to keep our canine friends happy."