
Ahlstrom-Munksjö has renewed its EcoVadis Gold rating level for the company’s sustainability management and performance for the third consecutive year.

EcoVadis is one of the leading systems for evaluating suppliers’ environmental aspects, working conditions, social responsibility, and procurement practices.

The EcoVadis method is based on internationally adopted principles for sustainability reporting, such as the Global Reporting Initiative, United Nations Global Compact and ISO 26000, and is audited by independent sustainability experts.

With a corporate social responsibility engagement level assessed as advanced, Ahlstrom-Munksjö is in the top 1% of suppliers assessed, regardless of their industry.

“We use EcoVadis to meet our customers’ needs and support active cooperation with them to secure a more sustainable supply chain. Our third consecutive Gold rating is a result of excellent performance within environmental impact, labour practices, fair business practices and sustainable procurement,” says Heli Nykänen, manager group sustainability and capital investments.

“Our rating allows us to communicate an independent view on our excellent performance. I would also this year like to thank all our stakeholders, both internal and external, who have contributed to the achievement.”