
GMG, a leading developer of high-end color management and proofing solutions, announces it has released GMG ColorProof 5.5, a major update of its popular proofing software.

"Our GMG ColorProof customers continuously expect the highest output quality along with reliable and consistent processes. Errors can be expensive, and color predictability is extremely critical," explains Michael Farkas, director business unit graphic arts at GMG.
"They rely on GMG ColorProof as the quality reference in contract proofing which, for them, makes their lives easier. With the world’s largest team of color experts and over 25 years of corporate experience, GMG understands every aspect of color management."

"Many of the new GMG ColorProof 5.5 features are in response to customer requests for greater performance and usability. Users will not only find much quicker startup and job creating times, but some really helpful user interface improvements – particularly within the new manual job manager," adds Farkas.

"Meanwhile, customers working with packaging will benefit from the enhanced handling of white ink and transparent areas when proofing on foil, along with enhanced integration with GMG OpenColor. And, GMG DotProof users will find a much sharper dot along with GMG ColorProof’s accurate color."

One of the more significant features is an automatic alert. GMG ColorProof often works unattended, printing jobs from hot folders without manual interaction.

However, there are times when attention is needed – for example, to load paper, calibrate a printer, or fix a job error. GMG ColorProof now alerts the administrator when attention is needed. Multiple email recipients can be notified, so the ColorProof alert will not be ignored. This can save hours. If an error is not recognized for a few hours, jobs will be queued and a company might miss some deadlines.

A faster version of GMG ColorProof

GMG ColorProof has undergone an extensive rebuild to improve user interface speed. The required time to create a new job from selecting the file until ready to print has been cut in half. GMG ColorProof startup time was reduced from 45 seconds to ten seconds on GMG’s test system. GMG ColorProof is also available as a real 64-bit setup, more compatible with Microsoft installation and security guidelines. It can allocate more RAM, allowing for faster processing.

Improvements to the user interface

GMG ColorProof 5.5 comes with a new manual job manager that offers a toolbar for the most common commands. Job status is clearly indicated with a green, orange or red color, giving the operator instant feedback.

With more new GMG ColorProof features, a database view offers color-related information such as proof standards and spot colors, while a separate view provides configuration settings.

Especially with complex packaging jobs requiring various spot colors, screening settings, gradation curves etc., customers would like to archive settings for future reference or to configure the same job again. GMG ColorProof now provides a ‘save job report’ feature, containing all relevant job information and image settings.

Different proof standards require different strips. For example, GraCol needs an IDEAlliance strip, and ISO coated needs a MediaWedge v3. Configuring the color standard with the correct strip is important for correct proof verification, but time-consuming and error prone particularly for dot proofing, where strips may look the same although they use different screening. With ColorProof 5.5, strips can be linked to the ProofStandard. Whenever this ProofStandard is selected, the correct strip is used, by default.

Unique new features for more flexibility, quality and performance

Other ColorProof features have been added to assist with packaging jobs and prototypes.

White profiling: in packaging, white usually does not cover the entire image; transparent areas let consumers see the packaged contents. With GMG ColorProof 5.5, transparent areas of the white channel stay transparent. They are not covered with a simulation of the paper tint.

Roland cutting: the cutting option for Roland printers has been improved. GMG ColorProof now offers up to ten preconfigured presets for special blade and media settings, along with the most common blade settings. GMG ColorProof now also offers perforated cutting.

New: GMG ColorProof Remote Proofing Edition

Many larger companies use GMG ColorProof for remote proofing. Proofs can be sent with, literally, three clicks to different remote locations. The ProofStandard and calibration technology ensure that the remote proof is identical to the local one.

The remote proof file is locked and protected against modification, so both sender and recipient see the same thing. Data exchange is based on ubiquitous technologies like FTP, which ensures that remote proofing is easily accepted at most company environments and with different security guidelines.

Now, ColorProof 5.5 is available as a Remote Proofing Edition, intended for sites that only receive ‘ready to print’ jobs from other, full version ColorProof installations. This edition costs 20% less than the regular ColorProof.

"There are many use cases for remote proofing – for example, when a repro house installs a system and also provides ink and paper consumables at the print buyer’s office. This version is intended for companies that don’t want to create jobs at their sites but will receive ‘ready to print’ jobs from other GMG ColorProof installations," comments Farkas. "The administrator can determine whether a system can be used only by one, or more, senders. Thus, the Remote Proofing Edition can protect this investment and assure that it won’t be used for other proofs."

Product availability

GMG ColorProof 5.5 will be available through GMG distribution channels on July 18.