
64% of its new members are women

So far this year, Burgos company has increased its workforce by 21.5%, translating this figure into 11 new qualified jobs. Of these, seven have been covered by women.

Among the new occupations there are two mechanical design engineers, a draftswoman, a communications and marketing manager, a purchasing technician, a project manager engineer and a specialist engineer in PRL, Quality and LEAN Manufacturing. Likewise, two engineers have also been incorporated, one robot programmer and a mechanical designer.

With this increase, the company already has eleven women in its staff, which represents 22% of the total. This figure is notably higher than the industry average if we consider that out of the 10,322 workers in the metal sector in Burgos, only 1,355 are women, which is 13%.

Sinterpack closed 2017 with 40 workers, but the increase in production and, consequently, the growth of the company, has generated the need to increase the human team; and currently there are 51 people working in the plant.

Following the philosophy of Sinterpack, and under its intention to generate quality employment, five of the new contracts are indefinite, while the rest are intended to be so in the coming months.

The organisation, which supports talent and equal opportunities, is aware of the importance and need of society to achieve real equality between men and women, and according to its director general, Sergio Pelegry: “We fight to get it by hiring on merit, not by gender. In Sinterpack the salary remuneration of a certain job, will always be the same, regardless of the gender of the person who performs it.”

Another of the company’s premises is the commitment to total personal and family conciliation, offering for example, both mothers and parents of young children, the option of working partially from home.