
Pharmaceuticals and premium products like cosmetics, hair colouring, chocolate and tobacco have long been Edelmann’s specialities. Now they are taking the next step, showing what they can do with innovative boxes for luxury beverages. The campaign seeks to open doors to wine and spirits brand owners, and its theme is unusual shapes.

The material is Korsnäs White. “Unusual shapes place unusual demands on the elasticity of the paperboard, and Korsnäs’s packaging performance service inspired us to test the limits,” says Helmut Sieber, senior manager for packaging development at Edelmann. “They know what the material can do. Besides its elasticity, its tearing resistance is ideal for packs with heavy contents. Beverages are an interesting niche for us, but Korsnäs has years of experience supplying this industry. Our partnership with their packaging performance service has been a real inspiration and had an impact on the end product.”

Design unlimited

The packs were produced in a limited edition – but their design was anything but limited. “Rectangular packs don’t open doors,” says Mr Sieber. “In this collection we focused on packaging impact to spark interest and pique customers’ curiosity. We’re showing our creativity to other segments here, too. If you scaled them down these packs would be perfect for perfume bottles.”

“Korsnäs White is exactly what this collection needs”

“The combination of bending stiffness, tearing resistance and elasticity that Korsnäs White provides is what made these solutions possible,” says Mr Sieber. “Korsnäs White works especially well for this collection.” Mr Sieber has previous experience of the material, having used it in promotional packs for beauty products.

Innovation and creativity in shape and design

Edelmann position themselves as one of the leading converters for luxury products in Europe. They have a major focus on innovation and market themselves effectively by taking part in packaging competitions around the world. Over the years they have brought home an impressive list of design awards. Mr Sieber finds inspiration not only at trade fairs and shows but in natural shapes. Working with students is highly rewarding, too. “They haven’t internalised the limitations one gradually accepts, and that’s very refreshing,” he says.

“To maintain our position we are always refining the concept, adopting new approaches to our work with brand owners,” says Matthias Welp, vice president of Edelmann’s premium division. “We are creating new shapes as well as new effects in printing and finishing for use in innovative packaging design. At Luxe Pack, we will be premiering special editions featuring all of these new ideas.”


Today, when most buying decisions are made in the store, brand owners need to differentiate themselves and stand out on the shelves, which really puts the pressure on the packaging design. Another challenge Edelmann is working hard on is brand protection. Currently, especially in the premium segment, brand owners are very interested in tamper-proof seals and anti-counterfeiting measures.

Trends in the packaging world reflect society at large. Twenty years ago runnability, automated liners and practical solutions were the priorities. Ten years ago people started asking for more information. Next came weight reduction, and today everybody is looking at how the process affects the environment. “Environmental issues have come to the forefront, and where possible we are developing cartons made of paperboard, a renewable fibre-based resource, to replace fossil materials,” says Matthias Welp.