The craft beer industry is a growing market that increased by 9.6% in 2013. How can a craft brewery stand out in an ever-growing market? What can a craft brewer do to stand out on a crowded store shelf, without taxing their budget? AR Metallizing can help create brand recognition with their metallized paper beer labels.
New business development leader Rick Maksian said: "AR Metallizing has worked with the beer industry with award-winning results for more than 25 years, and in this time we have assisted in creating several iconic brands using VacuBRITE® metallized wet strength label paper.
"With the diverse options microbrews are bringing into the market, microbrewers need unique labelling solutions to be able to stand out, and AR Metallizing can help with this."
Metallized paper can enhance a beer label so it catches the consumer’s eye and peaks their interest when shopping for a new craft brew. Using AR Metallizing’s creative services, a craft brewer can see what their label would look like on metallized paper. AR Metallizing has vast knowledge of creating the best blend of opaque white ink and transparent colour inks to make your label pop off the shelf.
AR Metallizing has a plant conveniently located in Franklin, Massachusetts, US, as well as two plants in Europe located in Genk, Belgium, and Casalgrasso, Italy, giving AR Metallizing the global strength to help you grow your business.